One very underrated characteristic of a good relationship is respect. So many couples fall victim to being disrespectful to each other. It really is at the root of most relationship problems. Aside from poor communications skills and infidelity, disrespect is a big relationship killer. Being respectful of the person that you supposedly love is just one more way of showing your loyalty and devotion to them. However, often times people let their childish behaviors and immature ways interfere in a relationship. Let's take a look at some common ways that partners disrespect each other...
1. Embarrassing your partner in front of others. This is not only a sign of disrespect but it can be an early or hidden sign of abuse. Many women who have been abused report their partner started by embarrassing them or yelling at them in front of their friends and loved ones. This is a way of diminishing another person, and it shouldn't have any place in a loving relationship. If you find yourself yelling at or embarrassing your partner in front of other people, you need to take a good look in the mirror. The problem is you.
2. Destroying possessions. Another very immature way of dealing with conflict with your partner is by destroying or damaging their possessions. How many times have we all heard about a couple getting into an argument and one of them throwing the other one's clothing out the front door or the window? It really is an immature way of reacting to conflict. Remember that not only are you supposed to show respect for your partner, but you're supposed to have integrity and character within yourself.
3. Calling names. Name-calling has no place within a relationship. In fact, name-calling should have gone out when you were eight years old. Again, it's an immature behavior that only seeks to hurt and diminish the other person. Names can really hurt and cause irreparable damage to the other person. We all carry around our own emotional baggage, so inflicting pain by calling someone a name that really hurts them at their core is not only disrespectful but it's mean.
Respect in your relationship is something that should be pursued by both parties. If there is disrespect within a relationship, it is almost always doomed to fail. Even if the couple stays together, one or both of them will likely be unhappy with the situation.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found the principles to help you find the happiness you are looking for in an intimate relationship..
The solution is not in the endless volumes of information you find across the internet, or the advice your friends give... it's in yourself; the thoughts that make you who you are.


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